Image of map: centalfloridaelectrician_phase2.vym MAX OUT PERFORMANCE STRATEGY


HD Web Developers: Strategy Map and Proposal

Date: 2019-11-13

Version: 001

Developer: Jeremy Hodge

Electric Company of South Florida


Phase 2 - "Step on the gas"

We have several areas that we are going to focus on. Above all else, the objective is to get you more leads and more paying customers.

Deliverables from this proposal:

1) Website Content Overhaul

2) Google Ads Campaigns

3) Facebook Ads Campaigns


Social Media


Timeline/Rollout MAX OUT PERFORMANCE STRATEGY Website Homepage Content Header Video of Doug Talking about the biz "What we do" "Why we "When can we get started on your next project" "How we provide superior service" "Who we are" "Call us today" "We have x,y,z certifications..." "Rated 5 stars on Google" Etc Contact form At top Social Proof at top Make this a services page "How can we help you" Services "stack" List off top 10 services offered 3 reasons why ECOSF is best for these Offer any specials currently running Discounts Referral Program Newsletter Rebates "Upgrade specials" Gfi outlet swaps Panel Upgrades Generator Wiring... Etc ** Free safety inspection Possibly a great way to literally get your foot in the door "Why us?" Expertise Experience Staff Highlight Projects Projects on slideshow Services rendered per project Possible to get testimonial? Highlight Contact form Fast Easy Name Number Email Contact info Phone Number Email Chat on screen Include Social Media Facebook Feed Google Reviews Facebook Reviews Link to Blog Occational Posts Industry Alerts Industry Improvements Company Announcements Services Page Objective is to get calls Look at from customer perspective Contact focus "Service Funnel" Contact us On every page footer Header SEO Ensure each page complete Keywords Meta Data Snippets Featured Image Readability High Rank Fast Loading Speed Optimized Images Fast Server Exit Pop-up Phone number Email form Photo Every page Social Media Facebook Posting On own feed videos of jobs EVERY JOB photos of jobs EVERY JOB testimonials written Ask for one on each job video Record at final inspection (Give discount if they agree to it) "Referral Rebate" Print off current online reviews and read them on camera and thank them
personally for their kind words reviews Post Free Quality Advice "Answer one question professionally daily" Where? FB Groups DIY Home improvement Renovation Construction Electrical etc... This will grow your leads Your answer will go to 3 type of people The original person asking question The other commentors People who are searching This will cause users to click on your profile Your profile will point to your contact info Your Page has your contact info This will create a database of your expertise You can use these Q and A posts on your site as well to increase your knowledge
base on your website. Profile Points to "Services Funnel" Page Points to "Service Funnel" Advertising High likelihood your competitors are doing this already Google Ads account low budget ads highly targeted Facebook Ads account low budget ads highly targeted Timeline/Rollout 0) Begin Posting to Facebook Groups Start this today 1) Service Page/homepage Complete Alternate Build These pages need to provide content targeted at your ideal customer Need to Rebuild these Collect content Videos Testimonials Personal introductions Doug Services List 3) Google Ads Develop highly targeted campaign Targeting people ready to spend money Very narrow focus, for higher quality Open up to broader audience if necessary 4) Facebook Ads Develop highly targeted audience New home owners New business owners Etc